In order to get divorced, you need to initiate the divorce process by serving your spouse. Normally, your spouse is served in person or by mail. But when you can't find your spouse, serving him or her may seem impossible. This is why there are alternative methods of service available, including: "service by posting" and…
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What Are ATROS?
Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders (referred to as “ ATROS” for short) are mutual restraining orders found in Family Code Section 2040. ATROS automatically go into effect with the commencement of a dissolution action. The Petitioner is bound by the ATROS immediately upon the filing of the Petition and Summons, and the Respondent is bound upon…
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Three Tips to Completing Your Financial Disclosures
Completing your financial disclosures can seem daunting, but it is an important part of the divorce process. Here are three things you need to remember about financial disclosures in order to make sure that you complete them correctly and in a timely manner: TIP #1: It’s Your Duty! You and your spouse have a duty…
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What does “No-Fault” Divorce Mean?
California is a “no fault” divorce state, meaning the party filing for divorce does not have to prove wrongdoing on behalf of their spouse in order to get divorced. So in California, you don’t have to prove that your spouse had an affair or abandoned the marriage, you simply have to determine which of the…
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Do I Qualify for Summary Dissolution?
Summary dissolution is a simpler and faster way to get divorced in California. While most couples in California are not eligible for summary dissolution, spouses who do qualify can save on the time and expense of regular divorce by filing a joint petition for summary dissolution. In addition to meeting the regular residency requirements necessary…
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When is the Right Time for Divorce Mediation?
If you and your spouse have determined that you cannot reconcile and you would like to move forward with the divorce process, you may agree that divorce mediation is an attractive alternative to the traditional adversarial system of litigation. The next question to consider is, “when is the right time for mediation?” Some divorcing spouses…
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How to Find the Right Mediator or Attorney
Finding the right mediator or attorney to assist you is one of the most critical aspects of the entire mediation or litigation process. Here are three easy steps to help ensure that you choose the right professional(s) for you. 1). Do your research. When you begin your search for mediators or attorneys, look beyond geographical…
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Is Divorce Mediation Right for Me?
Divorce mediation has become a popular alternative to litigation over the past few decades. As more and more divorcing couples are recognizing the attractive benefits that mediation provides, some couples are asking, “how do we know if this is the right process for us?” Here are three questions to consider in determining whether mediation is…
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Why Can’t Mediators Give Legal Advice?
One of the most frequent questions I am asked when helping clients through their divorce is why I can’t provide legal advice as their mediator. It’s a fantastic question because after all, I am a licensed attorney in the state of California and I know the answer to their legal question, so what’s the big…
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Talking to Your Children About Divorce
Divorce is hard on the whole family, especially the children. As confusing as it may be for you and your divorcing spouse, your kids are grappling with their own emotions and need to talk to you. Children often lack the coping skills needed to deal with the changes brought about by divorce, and they need…
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